Raspberry pi monitor network usage
Raspberry pi monitor network usage

Starlink Monitoring: Installs a starlink prometheus exporter and a Grafana dashboard, which tracks and displays Starlink statistics.See example configuration for ability to monitor multiple AirGradient DIY stations.) Enable and configure using the airgradient_enable var in config.yml. AirGradient Monitoring: Configures airgradient-prometheus and a Grafana dashboard, which tracks and displays air quality over time via one or more AirGradient DIY monitors.Enable and configure using the shelly_plug_* vars in config.yml.) Shelly Plug Monitoring: Installs a shelly-plug-prometheus exporter and a Grafana dashboard, which tracks and displays power usage on a Shelly Plug running on the local network.Make sure to update your network router config to direct all DNS queries through your Raspberry Pi if you want to use Pi-hole effectively! Pi-hole: Installs the Pi-hole Docker configuration so you can use Pi-hole for network-wide ad-blocking and local DNS. Internet Monitoring: Installs Prometheus and Grafana, along with a few Docker containers to monitor your Internet connection with speedtests and HTTP tests so you can see uptime, ping stats, and speedtest results over time. It's finally time to formalize their configs and make all the DNS/ad-blocking/monitoring stuff encapsulated into one Ansible project.

raspberry pi monitor network usage

I have had a couple Pis doing random Internet-related duties for years. A Raspberry Pi Configuration for Internet connectivity

Raspberry pi monitor network usage